Te Taumata is proud to support the Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono business internships, which offer invaluable experience and opportunities for rangatahi interested in Asia business and culture.
The deadline to apply for the internships has been extended due to COVID-19.
The Asia business internships target young New Zealanders who want to grow their knowledge, networks and confidence to engage successfully in Asia.
As one of the Foundation’s flagship business programmes, the internships give rangatahi a chance to intern with top Asian companies and New Zealand organisations with an Asia focus.
There are opportunities in many sectors, including bio-tech, law, marketing, film and creative industries, software development, trade and export, future foods and financial crime research.
The hosts this year are based in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore and India.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these internships will all be virtual/online-based in New Zealand, but still offer valuable work experience with teams based in Asia, supplemented by focused cultural competency training facilitated by the Foundation.
Successful applicants will enter an 8-week, paid internships, requiring 20 hours of work per week.
The deadline for applications has been extended to 6 September due to COVID-19.
Inquiries can be directed to internship programme co-ordinator Linh Le lle@asianz.org.nz