Register Now For Upcoming Quarterly Hui
Register for the trade hui taking place on Tuesday 23 July
Register for the trade hui taking place on Tuesday 23 July
Register for the trade hui taking place on Monday 15 April
Tamaki Makaurau trade hui Mahia te mahi, hei painga mō te Iwi Enter keywords
The talking is done, the negotiations are done, the European and United Kingdom Free Trade Agreements have been signed…but now the hard mahi really begins. That was the overwhelming message across yesterday’s Te Taumata Regional Trade Hui at Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Marae in Tāmaki Makaurau. Attended by Māori businesses, global ambassadors, Government representatives and dozens
Capability is not the only challenge on the table, with the impacts of climate change already a clear and present reality. Charlotte Frater is MFAT’s Chief Negotiator for the Agreement on Climate Change Trade and Sustainability (ACCTS) – and effort that is roundly supported by Te Taumata. “ACCT is currently being negotiated with a small
The day started with a powerful introduction to Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and its innovative whānau developments, setting the perfect scene for the impact Māori can make at home and on the world stage. “The world wants to embrace Māori brands and work with Māori businesses – coming out of the pandemic, global consumers want to
Kia ora koutou, Following the huge success of the recent delegation of F&B leaders and entrepreneurs to Southeast Asia last month, we are excited to share yet another incredible opportunity for young Kiwi health and beauty entrepreneurs and business leaders. The Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono is offering up to ten young leaders the chance to visit Indonesia in a week-long
We are just days away from heading to Tāmaki Makaurau for our highly anticipated Regional Māori Trade Hui at Ōrākei Marae next Wednesday, 26 July. By bringing together Māori businesses, indigenous leaders, Ministers, and government officials, we can assure you that this hui promises diverse and robust kōrero that will lead to tangible outcomes, both nationally
Te Taumata is proud to develop a range important kaupapa to help support the growth and success of Māori export businesses and, as a result, greater outcomes for whānau and hāpori across Aotearoa. Our latest development, in partnership with Callaghan Innovation, is an innovation and technology plan. Technology and innovation is a critical enabler of
Kia whakairia te tapu, kia wātea ai te ara! The announcement overnight that the NZ/EU Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has been signed will be celebrated by Māori businesses and whānau across Aotearoa, says Te Taumata chair, Chris Karamea Insley. When it comes into effect (expected in the first half of 2024) the NZ/EU FTA unlocks a
Te Taumata is set to hit one of the world’s biggest stages this evening (NZ time), presenting the organisation’s latest discussion paper to the European Parliament, highlighting the benefits for Māori in the new NZ/EU Free Trade Agreement (FTA). You can check out the livestream of the presentation at 6pm this evening. Te Taumata has been relentless
Te Taumata welcomes and supports the United Kingdom’s accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) – one of the world’s largest free trade agreements (FTA). Recognising the significance of international trade for the Māori economy, Te Taumata sees the UK’s participation as a catalyst for substantial market opportunities for Māori exporters.