Te Taumata is excited to announce the new dates for its Waikato-Tainui trade hui, which was postponed last year due to the COVID Delta lockdown.
Scheduled for 6-7 July, the theme of this hui is Tuuwhitiwhiti – Trade-led recovery for Māori sustainability.
It follows four previous trade hui, the most recent in Te Taitokerau which had a special focus on wāhine toa in trade.
Taking hui to regional cities around New Zealand helps spread Te Taumata’s kaupapa to communities that would otherwise not have access to these kōrero.
It is also an opportunity to connect ministers and trade officials with Māori business leaders and trade experts who can help inform international trade deals underway in 2022.
We are thrilled to bring this kaupapa to the forefront and provide a space for key players in the trade industry to kōrero together, kanohi ki te kanohi on issues, opportunities and trade strategies.
We look forward to providing more details about the hui and invited officials in the coming weeks.