End of year pānui
In our final pānui for the year, we reflect on the challenges and opportunities during 2020, what we’ve accomplished in the face of adversity, and our future view for 2021. You can read it read here.
In our final pānui for the year, we reflect on the challenges and opportunities during 2020, what we’ve accomplished in the face of adversity, and our future view for 2021. You can read it read here.
Our latest pānui details feedback from the Whakatū Hui in Nelson, a recap on the new Regional International Economic Partnership Agreement and we highlight some trade updates from around the globe.
Hosted in Nelson this week, our Te Taumata – Whakatū Regional Hui of Trade brought together key trade negotiators and policy makers from Aotearoa and United Kingdom as well as ministers, foreign diplomats and Māori businesses.
Our final regional hui for 2020 kicks off tomorrow morning (November 24) in Nelson.
Māori trade organisation, Te Taumata congratulates the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and new Minister for Trade and Economic Growth, Damien O’Connor for “hitting the ground running” so soon after the election with today’s RCEP announcement.
Our third and final regional trade hui for 2020 is fast approaching on 24 November in Nelson.
Read our latest updates from around Aotearoa and the world
Maximising the trade opportunities presented by the ever-changing COVID environment is the subject of a hui in Nelson next month, which will bring together New Zealand’s trade negotiators, ministers and Māori businesses.
Te Taumata – a business network focused on better trade outcomes for Māori – welcomes the return of a Labour-led Government, with a possible coalition with the Greens and Māori Party following the election.
Read our latest pānui here.
Read our latest pānui here.