Enabling Māori in global trade
Māori-led Parliament hui shines light on indigenous trade.
Māori-led Parliament hui shines light on indigenous trade.
The countdown is on! Hosted by Foreign Affairs Minister, Nanaia Mahuta, the Global Trade Strategy and Māori hui will take place at parliament next Tuesday. We anticipate this will be one of the most significant hui ever held in Aotearoa New Zealand relating to Māori trade. Bringing together Māori business leaders and government officials, Te Taumata will facilitate
There is still time to register for the next Māori trade hui, to be hosted by Nanaia Mahuta at Parliament on 11 October.
Te Taumata will meet with the Committee on International Trade (INTA) of the European Parliament tomorrow to discuss the NZ/EU Free Trade Agreement and how we can advance the gains for Māori through this deal. The Committee is responsible for the establishment, implementation and monitoring of the EU’s common commercial policy and its external economic relations, including trade
Te Taumata is using its position and connections to influence both domestic and global policies and plans that have the potential to benefit Māori.
Kia ora koutou, In just three short weeks, Te Taumata will facilitate the most significant, Māori-focused trade hui that has ever been held at Parliament in Aotearoa New Zealand! This hui has been designed to allow for open and transparent discussions about how we can, as a country, fast-track Māori opportunities from the recently signed
Kia ora koutou, I recently attended the Seriously Asia Revisited 2022 – trade, tourism and investment hui, facilitated by AsiaNZ, which focused on New Zealand’s relationship with Asia – past, present and future. The hui was one of three held across the motu, each focusing on a different topic. It involved a diverse mix of people including
Ka tangi te tītī, ka tangi te kākā, kā tangi hoki ko au!
Kia ora koutou, Following the UK’s new Prime Minister Liz Truss officially taking power on Tuesday, I spoke to Te Karere about what her appointment might mean for Aotearoa New Zealand’s trade environment and our mahi. We’re encouraged by the appointment of Ms Truss who was instrumental in signing off the NZ/UK Free Trade Agreement
Two Te Taumata Directors, Hone McGregor and Carrie Stoddart-Smith, will jet set to Switzerland this month to represent Te Taumata and Māori at the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) 2022 Public Forum.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) would like to invite Māori exporters and business leaders to a hui on 5 September to discuss proposed changes to the Export Controls regime. The hui, facilitated by Te Taru White from Te Taumata, is an opportunity to better understand Aotearoa New Zealand’s export controls regime, and to discuss and give feedback
Kia ora koutou, Te Taumata has played host to prominent delegates from the United Kingdom to discuss the NZ/UK Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the opportunities it presents for Māori. Members of the Te Taumata team sat down with UK Secretary of State for International Trade, Anne-Marie Trevelyan, and British High Commissioner to NZ, Her Excellency