Independent Director
Te Arawa Fisheries Group
Rotorua, New Zealand
Are you a seasoned governor with strong seafood, fishing and other primary industry connections across New Zealand and the world?
Are you interested in joining a truly world-class team determined to make a real impact on the lives of whānau, community, the region and the nation by looking through all the haze and noise to craft out a clear path ahead? Are you able to stand and ask the hard questions while working actively as part of a team?
COVID-19, climate change, cyber security, shifting geopolitics – all these factors are reshaping the New Zealand and global operating arena for organisations. To survive, organisations of the future must be much more agile, able to move quickly, and be constantly innovating.
Do you have expertise in finance, marketing, sales, supply chain and logistics, science, research and innovation with strong networks across Aotearoa and the world?
If you think this is you and you have all the above skills, experiences, training and connections, with a genuine interest in making a difference in advancing our Ka Pu Te Ruha Strategy, give me a call!
No closing date!
Chris Karamea Insley
Phone: +64 21 972 782